Monday, July 9, 2007

glimpse of North African countries(2)

continued....i love to do things simply for the sake of curiosity!!!

it's the most westerly country in Africa---due to its pleasant beach resort which attracts tons of europeans and adventurers...and probably exotic-romance-hunter?(remember the classical movie~?)
the full name of this tiny or relatively rich country is 'the kingdom of morocco',which reflects its old-fashioned glory in this turbulent changing world.their political and millitary leader, crowned as 'kingship',is the longest leader in Arab world.
the nearest European neigher Spain showed its 'intimacy' in 1860.but French controled this gateway from 1912 to 1956 under the name of 'protectorate'.but it ended up after the unrest and strong nationalist sentiment.and sultan became the king in the following year.this amiable-looking man is definitely a legendary character. he offered a shelter for most Israeli expatriates.but also blamed by some human rights organization as 'severe depression in domestic'.
the conflict for some tiny islands between Spain also caused some deaths in 1975.larger battle and bustup fired in western Sahara. morocco forced to enter and occupy some conficted 1976, moroccan and Algeria troops clash in western Sahara.they exiled the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic government and divided up it.the two invaded countries mended their diplomatic relationship till 1988.but even the UN ceasefire announcement didn't bring real peace.some terrorists bombed bars in Casablanca and brought this small but restless country into public sight.

impression from the statistics and stories by correspondents---
*it's a little bit bigger than Tunisia,but more crowded(3 times more).
though its a monarchy country, the media freedom is impressive. private-run newspaper can unveiled the social reality can discuss some previous-taboo topics.

*a bbc correspondent said the royal family blocked the Googel earth. then their poor people won't see the luxious sumptuous palace from it.

*during the King Hassan period, thousands of dissent-holders disappeared. they were either prisoned or died in the secret interrogation center.humor and jokes are in poor and short supply.

* remember,it's just 15km away from Spain from the sea. so Morocco bacomes the unparalled shelter for those migrantes who tend to swim to Europe illegally:(


Arab Republic of Egypt---what jump into ur mind? wondrous pyramids and splendid,mysterious ancient's unadvoidable in any world history book, but i know nothing about its present:(
important---that's the most frequently appearing word when read through the country profile.
on the term of economy,it's the second largest economy substance closed followed by Saudie Arab in this region.
on the term of politic, it plays a key role in efforts to solve thhe confict in middle east.'its prestige as a broker is said to have suffered after its indecisive response to the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon'

it's history can date back to 7,000BC,when settlement of Nile Valley begins.
prosperity---this word tagged this magical kingdom since then.the great pyramids were constructed in around 2,'s a formidable engineering achievment? it's a magic!!!
persian came, the Alexandria came, the mecedonian dynasty ruled till 31 BC,lasting nearly 3 centuries. in 642 AD, (right after the prophet ,i guess),the Arab came and conqued.Cario became its capital since 969.the Arabic culture shaped the whole region. Napolen tried to invade but rebeled by Turkish and British in 1800. and since 1842, Egypt became British's protectorate.
some movement by religious organization and nationalist were written in its way to independence,and eventually, in 1953, a leader declared its freedom. but,the following war between
Britain and 6-day(!!) war to Islael haunted its subjects in nightmare.they(Jordan, Egypt and Syria) were defeated.there were 2 things remarkable in is the introduction of the new institution system,which renamed the country's name.
the other is the great dam, which had a huge impact on the irrigation and industry domestically,and,what's more important, it's internatioal impact----- directly resulted in the building of world heritage list.
in 1979,a treaty between Egypt and Islea is signed.but soon was condemned by other Arab 1981,their president was assassinated and the Islamic extremist drew more attention by bomb.the holy Sinai mountain was no longer a peaceful and sacred place:( 34 Israeli tourists were targeted and killed in 2004.the biggests chanllenger of the present government is Muslim brotherhood,which was founded in's tolerated by the government but abolished all the rights to run the presidential 'election'.(the president won the resounding victory for 5 times already)
and it's one of the at least 6 Arabic countries who develop domestic nuclear programmes:(

impression from the correspondent:
* yes, indeed,this historically country now pack with the poors and unrest society.more than 18 million people crowd in the capital and the unemployment rate among men rises to 23% while only 47% women get job.
where is Egypt's future?
'politically unstable'---the conclusion by LP.
and the recent civil war in Darfur region is seen 'one of the worst nightmares in decades'. Autonomy? u have to beg from the dicator muslim government in the north.
nothing distinguish happened in the history till 1881,when French ruled Egypt. Sudanese revolted,and in 1956,got its independence. but it never stages as a unity.

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