Saturday, July 28, 2007


traveller's are flocking to trek in Uganda's mountains and gorilla communities.generally speaking,it's a safe country.but there r some risking areas: the remote region in northeast is prone to voilence and's imperative to make inquries with knowledgable local authorities before setting off to this regions.kampala is the new modern,bustling capical of new Uganda,which ranks as the fastest growing economic sustance in Africa.
since the late 1980s,the country finally rebounded from the abyss of civil war economic catastrophe to become relatively peaceful,stable and prosperous.

indigenous tribes settle down in this fertile land in the 14th century.there's little penetration from outside till 19th century,when the westerners came for ivory and slaves.despite the fertile land and its capicity to crop surplus food,there are virtually no trading links to eastern african coast.
after the berlin treaty signed in 1890,it became the british protectorate with kenya.the colonial administrators gave them enough space to autonomy,but preferred bugandan tribepeople to their plantations.thus were planted the seeds to intertribe conflicts which finally tear Uganda apart following independence.
Uganda gained its independence in 1962.however,it's not an advantageous time for Uganda to come to grips independence.coz civil wars were raging in southern sudan ,congo and Rwanda,which drove thousands of refugees pouring to the country.Amin,a unparalleled dictator,started a coup and became the mighty boss of the country in 1971.he ordered Asians,who were brought by british from their colonies back to 1912,to leave Uganda in 90 days with nothing but the clothes they wore.during 8 years of his ruling,more than 300,000 people were killed.meanwhile,the economy collapsed,the infrastructure crumbled,the prolific wild animals were shot down by soldiers for their meat,and the tourisam evaporated.the stream of refugees cross the border become a flood.inflation hit 1000%.and Amin,an undoubted fool,decided to fire Tanzania.soon,he escaped to Libya.and 12,000 Tanzanian soldiers,suppose to help Uganda rebuilding, became Ugandans.
nothing changed in 1980 though a exile leader was once enthusiastic welcomed by many regions from Tanzania. he won a blantantly rigged election. like his ex,he preferred some certain the government,the army,the whole system were replaced by his men from the northern tribe---only the prison was filled with the southerners.reports of artrocities leak out of the country and several mass graves were discovered.
he was troppled by a coup in mid-1985.the rebellions never stops.different tribal millitary organizations mushroomed and killed each the same time,the HIV infected rate reached the highest in the world---it's said that in many villages,one in four brings the virus.

*it's such a story that the BBC correspondents interviewed Amin,the notorious dictator who named himself as 'conqurer of British empire'.they simply asked him some harmless questions instead of 'why do u keep murdering people?'.coz they wanna go back in one piece instead of tasting his 'river treatment'or 'helicopter treatment'.
'myself consider myself the most powerful figure in the world.'
obviously,he's a buffoon tyrant.

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