Wednesday, August 1, 2007


revered by many anthropologists as the 'cradle of humanity',this east-equator country is a little wild and dangerous.but if u r adventorous and sensible,it promises the globe's most magnificent wildlife parks,unsullied beaches,thriving coral reefs,memorable mountainscapes and ancient swahili cities.the swahili word safari(literally,journey)doesn't mean much if one didn't go to's said 'delving kenya is like rummaging through nature's treasure chest'.
there r more than 70 local tribes in Kenya. though distinction between them are blurred---western values are becoming more ingrained and traditional values are disintegrating,the first sentence they ask when first meet is always'which tribe r u from?'
more than 30% population is muslim,though most of the coastal region are domainated by christians.
kenyans love to party and beer---the local brewing industry is thriving.kenyan cuisine generally consists of beans and meat's just survival fodder for locals---max fill-up with min price.kenyan food is not exactly designed for vegtarians or gourments.


'step out into its vast plain,u will suddenly feel very very small---as u should.they have the largest animal population in the world.despite the rowdy neighbours and weak economy,Tanzania offer the best wildlife spotting opportunities on the continent.its famous park make the pedestrain town worth a stopover.'
swahili and english are official languages. it's said that in island zanzibar,they speak the pure swahili,which attracts quite a few travellers there to learn.the two main religion groups: Christian and islam,with a significant hindu minority in urban areas.but it's said that there's no religious discrimination in political or civil administration.
not like other African countries,Tanzania doesn't have rich natural resources.but they export music and dance,which domains the East Africa.
the pre-20th century didn't have much to wasn't untill the 18th century the Arab traders dared to explore the wild interior.As the 20th century loomed,the German coloniers came and build railways,roads...
Nationalist organizations grap independent in 1962,but unity and a charismatic president didn't overcome the country's lack of natural resources.his secret paranoia is radical socialism, a brave concept considering the communist paranoia of potential aid donors such as US.under the leader's chinese-back reform,the economy was nationalized.the better-off had to pay heavy tax in order to redistribute wealth.the early 1960s saw Tanzania,kenya and Uganda linked in an unlikely threesome.currencies could be freely conveted and moved across the border.but predictable political differences brought such cosiness to a halt in 1977,leaving Tanzania worse off than ever.many factors have distributed to the woes of modern Tanzania,the incorporation of Zanzibar created some additional problems.Zanzibar and neighbouring island experience occasional social unrest and political scare-mongers.meanwhile,the mainland had to deal with the refuguee flood from Rwanda. in late 1996,the president issued an anouncement back by UN declaring those refuguees going back home. but many of them stayed.
nothing distinguish's relatively safe and peaceful.












我 摸着桌子一角


它的信任 爱

谢谢深夜 我四周的
墙壁 桌椅和怜悯。



过去的一切 都已陈旧





Tuesday, July 31, 2007





诚实应该是作为回忆者最基本最需要的一种美德。有很多时候,我们看似米沃什在信手拈来,其实,他是经过深思熟虑的,因为他经历了太多的大喜大悲、大起大 落,他的身心就是一座时间大海,诸多人、事、物在他那里飘浮、过滤后,使他感到有话要说,并且,诚实催促他要说出这一切的真相。这种诚实保证了他拥有比我 们认知和承受更多现实的能力。


由此,我们不仅看到了一个追求自由与理想的米沃什,也看到了一个时刻跳动着“波兰之心”的米沃什。也就是说,米沃什不仅是一个天主教意义上的拯救者、象征 者,他也是一个波兰式的批判者、谴责者。这样的人的终极理想与目标,我想只能是:要用人性的东西填满宇宙,要让普通大众拨开尘世的迷雾穿过时光的隧道、站 立在智慧的山顶。

米沃什用自己的经历和言行在给我们重新启蒙:怎样做人,怎样让自己从事的事业富有价值。同时,他也在告诉我们:真正的诗歌是什么,真正的诗人应该在纷繁复 杂的世界格局中扮演什么样的角色,什么样的工作是诗人应该努力承担的。从这个角度打量,我更愿意把米沃什看成是一个训诫者,而不是一个诗人。








于是,奔忙的身体与灵魂擦肩而过,泛滥的信息与真理擦肩而过,频繁的交往与爱擦 肩而过,热闹的生活与意义擦肩而过?因为,人与神擦肩而过。

Saturday, July 28, 2007


traveller's are flocking to trek in Uganda's mountains and gorilla communities.generally speaking,it's a safe country.but there r some risking areas: the remote region in northeast is prone to voilence and's imperative to make inquries with knowledgable local authorities before setting off to this regions.kampala is the new modern,bustling capical of new Uganda,which ranks as the fastest growing economic sustance in Africa.
since the late 1980s,the country finally rebounded from the abyss of civil war economic catastrophe to become relatively peaceful,stable and prosperous.

indigenous tribes settle down in this fertile land in the 14th century.there's little penetration from outside till 19th century,when the westerners came for ivory and slaves.despite the fertile land and its capicity to crop surplus food,there are virtually no trading links to eastern african coast.
after the berlin treaty signed in 1890,it became the british protectorate with kenya.the colonial administrators gave them enough space to autonomy,but preferred bugandan tribepeople to their plantations.thus were planted the seeds to intertribe conflicts which finally tear Uganda apart following independence.
Uganda gained its independence in 1962.however,it's not an advantageous time for Uganda to come to grips independence.coz civil wars were raging in southern sudan ,congo and Rwanda,which drove thousands of refugees pouring to the country.Amin,a unparalleled dictator,started a coup and became the mighty boss of the country in 1971.he ordered Asians,who were brought by british from their colonies back to 1912,to leave Uganda in 90 days with nothing but the clothes they wore.during 8 years of his ruling,more than 300,000 people were killed.meanwhile,the economy collapsed,the infrastructure crumbled,the prolific wild animals were shot down by soldiers for their meat,and the tourisam evaporated.the stream of refugees cross the border become a flood.inflation hit 1000%.and Amin,an undoubted fool,decided to fire Tanzania.soon,he escaped to Libya.and 12,000 Tanzanian soldiers,suppose to help Uganda rebuilding, became Ugandans.
nothing changed in 1980 though a exile leader was once enthusiastic welcomed by many regions from Tanzania. he won a blantantly rigged election. like his ex,he preferred some certain the government,the army,the whole system were replaced by his men from the northern tribe---only the prison was filled with the southerners.reports of artrocities leak out of the country and several mass graves were discovered.
he was troppled by a coup in mid-1985.the rebellions never stops.different tribal millitary organizations mushroomed and killed each the same time,the HIV infected rate reached the highest in the world---it's said that in many villages,one in four brings the virus.

*it's such a story that the BBC correspondents interviewed Amin,the notorious dictator who named himself as 'conqurer of British empire'.they simply asked him some harmless questions instead of 'why do u keep murdering people?'.coz they wanna go back in one piece instead of tasting his 'river treatment'or 'helicopter treatment'.
'myself consider myself the most powerful figure in the world.'
obviously,he's a buffoon tyrant.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Democratic Republic of Congo

this vast country with huge potential economic resources is ranking the top of the humanitarian crisis in the to there is in high risk and many regions remains it's struggling to recover from the 5-year civil war,which leads to millions of people died and the rest suffered from starvation and rampant disease.
it's like a legend in the world that back to colonial time,one man owned the whole congo.the empire of Congo(they have the 2nd largest river in Africa,which offer them rich daily resources)emerged in 12th. in 1482,a Portuguese navigator came and set up ties with king of Congo.during 16-17th century,british,dutch,portuguese and french merchants fight for slave trade.but in 1870s,the Belgian king leopold set up private venture to colonize this king of the smallest kingdom in Europe amass a huge amount of money without visiting the country once.but during his ruling,hideous and brutal crimes were committed against congolese by Leopold's ivory and rubber traders.these including raiding villages and capture all the children and women as incentive for the men to bring back rubber in the forest.if they can't reach the heavy quota often had their hands chopped-off(!).
but to this far-away king, he decorated his murder and looting as 'civilized negroes'and 'keeping the cruel Arab traders'at bay.but nowadays in museums in Brussel,documents of these horrible crimes are conspicuously absent.
the independent movements was under the leadership of charismatic revolutionary man.(he was the first prime-minister,but was killed by his rival later).its rate was certainly surprised belgian colonier.the coup...following blooding civil war and cease-fire agreements...around 2.5 miliion people were killed directly or indirectly from the war in 5 years.UN sent peacemaker troops---now it's the biggest in the world.virtually,it's a civil war between government and rivals,but actually both sides are backed by foreign forces.because the mining of diamond(blood diamond!!) is too lucrative to foreign countries.

*from the correspondent,the scale and brutality of sexual voilence in eastern Congo.women are raping in front of her families...often by gangs....and babies are killed....i feel shit!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Republic of Congo

'travel to the capital should be by air as by road is not safe'. with many tourist attractions and fanscination congo river,congo has plenty to trigger the imagination.but recently, civil war and militia conflicts has plagued and the country is struggling to build on a peace accord signed with southern rebels in 2003.
before the French came,congo was a group of seperate but trading kingdoms comprising of different tribes.but French seduced the governing tribe to sign a series of treaties and finally crasped it as one of its African Equatorial colonies.and they made full use of congo's considerable natural resouces such as ivory,tropical hardwood and rubber,as well as the locals who were forced as labour.French colonial rule could easily reach as brutal as German,but seldom draw imposing example is in 1928,a revolt broke out in congo over renewed forced labour and other abuses carried out in the course of building the congo-ocean railway,which resulted in the death of more than 17,000 people.finally in 1946, congo given a territorial assembly and representation in the French parliament.
but the successive congolese government haven't done any better since the country gained independent in 1960---instead, the northerner leader simply used his time in office to pull up his villagers and subjugated southerners.vice versa.unsurprisingly,tensions between two sides have given rises to three civil wars .
the first president after independence was widely perceived as a puppet of French he's just in office for 3 years. his successor tried to strengthen his position as imposing one-party state,but was ousted by a captain.this captain was one of the northerners who bathed in an era of Maxism and greater ties with Soviet Union.ironically,he was assassinated by his 'friends'in the north.the new president has certainly showed that he has the ruthlessness to survived at the stage of congolese politics which others failed.
but in 1990,like most of the ex-communist countries in the world,they abandoned 1993,the bloody conflict between the government and opposition erupted.though in 1994, a cease-fire deal established but was broken again in 1997 as full-scale civil 2001,peace conference ended up adopting a new constitution ,paving the way for presidential and parliamentary elections.the biggest losers in the civil war are their people---they had to hide into the forest or jungles. many children died from hunger or exhaustation.
as u see, the modern history is full of coup,civil wars and dirty politics...nothing else.

*the name of the capital of republic of congo,this gloomy and hopeless country,reveiled a beautiful and romantic story about an italian(but worked for French government)colonier who devoted his whole life to the justice and healthy-develope of congo.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Equatorial Guinea

u can find little news of this small country on newspaper.but it doesn't mean it's an uneventful paradise.(on contrast, the millitary and political dictator is awful...)
a tribe moved in Equatorial Guinea in12th centuries and since the slave trade period,the local tribe showed their lukewarm attitude(i may say,hostility)towards coloniers,preventing a wholesale occupation of the area.
there's on small island outside Cameroon----it's the most important centre for slave trading in 18th for europeans.profitable cocoa plantation made this island into Portuguese most important possession in Africa.through the period of spanish ruling,large inland remained unexplored till 1920s.although they gained the independence in 1968, the spanish left the country virtually bankrupted.
they gained independence in 1968(partially autonomy,anyway),but the president(which was elected in the state of emergency)was a awful dictator.he even declared himself as 'the life leader',and was well underway on a campaign of terror and brutality on a par with the leader in Republic of Africa Union and Uganda.many thousands of people were tortured and sent to prison.schools and churches were forced to close and priests were arrested.say,he banned private fishing,then he destroy every boat he found.for several year, Equatorial Guinea was effectively closed off from outside world.a coup broke up in 1979 eventually,but at that time, two thirds of people was either fled abroad or killed.
its road to multi-party democracy is also torturous.old habbits died hard. vote-digging was rampant.the US government declared its national election in 1993 as 'parody of democracy'.the arrestment of oppositions delivered the truth of 'democracy' there.
the discovery of oil did transform the social and political landscape there.however,as the revenue of oil is only keeping secret by the government,no little and precious change to ordernary people.
in 2001,eight different opposed parties formed a 'government-in-exile' in spain. but in 2003,the government called them back home to 'register'and caught 68 people for allegedly plotting for coup. six months later, they won the election again unanimously,of course!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


cameroon----the name is originated from 'giant shrimp' in u can imagine,little known to us before the world's first international commercers came.for the next 4 centuries since 15th century,like most of the west Africa Altantic seaboard,the southern part revolved around the slave trade.the British came,but finally defeated by Germans. Germans were active coloniers,they built universities,railways and plantations.they are pretty harsh fifth of the labourers died from overwork within 1 year.
after the WW1,it was divided into 3 parts by 2 coloniers:British and French. British didn't pay much attention on them,instead,they lavished attention on their administrated capital in after WW2,the new political parties formed by French Cameroon striked for independence.but there is another party in the after 1960,the rebellion was developed into full-scale.the french troops steped in and thousands were ruthlessly killed and a state of emergency was declared that last 2 decades.finally,the north took over the power and a muslim became their president.
in 1961,the northern part voted as a part of Nigeria and the south decided to join the French Cameroon and bacame a single republic 11 years later.the muslim leader was re-elected as unopposed in 1975, continuing an exceedingly brutal and autocratic reign,filling jails with tens of thousands of political prisoners and censoring all the press.but he worked actively in the fields of public education,agriculture and building a result, the enrollment rate of primary schools reached 70% and farmers produced a large variety of food to make country self-efficient and benefit from the exports.
but at the height of his(president's)power and success,he quited unexpectedly.his hand-pick successor(as a southerner and christian) immediately droped a lot of former plans and transformed the society.he especailly set aside nearly all ex's 'barons'.by 1984,the barons couldn't bear it anymore and burstup a's so unexpected that hardly success.but president soon re-took the control.
cameroon hit international headlines in 1986. a toxic cloud erupted in the remote volcanic lakes in the western mountains, asphyxiating nearly 2,000 villagers in their sleep.experts said it could happen again anytime.
the successor was widely accused for his unability for handling the economy.but the government murderous attempt to wipe out all the new threat parties.but within one year,there r more than 30 parties set up and a dozen independent newspaper.finally, national-wide strikes broke out and the government faced an embarrasing standstill.the politics was in a chaos and in 2002,the long-simmering territory dispute between Nigeria came out. the oil-rich border attract both sides.and Nigeria has slowly and reluctantly begun to comply with the agreement.


'Algeria, a gateway between Europe and Africa ' has been battered by violence over the past decades.'
it's a barren country full of misery and anguish.although it's wide-spread desert, the rich oil preservation is the backbone of the economy.
the bloody civil war outburst in 1992,following 150,000 people are staughtered!
berbers(the aborigines before the turkish came) acclaimed for their rights,while the islamic extremist bomb cities.
above 250,000people died during the war for independence .
war,extremist,liberation is the key word to access this country.


a boring,undeveloped,typical Arabic-modern country.the full name---The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya---unveil its political stories in the near decades.
there are two shunning spot when browsing throught its history.
one is its president---the mighty most of the founders of a socialist country, he made huge contribution to its independence from Italy.what's more, he's the core people who started up the African Union.
the other is the story titled with 'washington miracle'. it was under sever blame of terrorism.but the government reacted quickly.they acclaim officially taking responsibility of the bomb and hard line of anti-terrorism.15 years after the raid on Tripoli by US, they mended the diplomatic tie again.



Arab Republic of Egypt---what jump into ur mind? wondrous pyramids and splendid,mysterious ancient's unadvoidable in any world history book, but i know nothing about its present:(
important---that's the most frequently appearing word when read through the country profile.
on the term of economy,it's the second largest economy substance closed followed by Saudie Arab in this region.
on the term of politic, it plays a key role in efforts to solve thhe confict in middle east.'its prestige as a broker is said to have suffered after its indecisive response to the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon'

it's history can date back to 7,000BC,when settlement of Nile Valley begins.
prosperity---this word tagged this magical kingdom since then.the great pyramids were constructed in around 2,'s a formidable engineering achievment? it's a magic!!!
persian came, the Alexandria came, the mecedonian dynasty ruled till 31 BC,lasting nearly 3 centuries. in 642 AD, (right after the prophet ,i guess),the Arab came and conqued.Cario became its capital since 969.the Arabic culture shaped the whole region. Napolen tried to invade but rebeled by Turkish and British in 1800. and since 1842, Egypt became British's protectorate.
some movement by religious organization and nationalist were written in its way to independence,and eventually, in 1953, a leader declared its freedom. but,the following war between
Britain and 6-day(!!) war to Islael haunted its subjects in nightmare.they(Jordan, Egypt and Syria) were defeated.there were 2 things remarkable in is the introduction of the new institution system,which renamed the country's name.
the other is the great dam, which had a huge impact on the irrigation and industry domestically,and,what's more important, it's internatioal impact----- directly resulted in the building of world heritage list.
in 1979,a treaty between Egypt and Islea is signed.but soon was condemned by other Arab 1981,their president was assassinated and the Islamic extremist drew more attention by bomb.the holy Sinai mountain was no longer a peaceful and sacred place:( 34 Israeli tourists were targeted and killed in 2004.the biggests chanllenger of the present government is Muslim brotherhood,which was founded in's tolerated by the government but abolished all the rights to run the presidential 'election'.(the president won the resounding victory for 5 times already)
and it's one of the at least 6 Arabic countries who develop domestic nuclear programmes:(

impression from the correspondent:
* yes, indeed,this historically country now pack with the poors and unrest society.more than 18 million people crowd in the capital and the unemployment rate among men rises to 23% while only 47% women get job.
where is Egypt's future?


it's the most westerly country in Africa---due to its pleasant beach resort which attracts tons of europeans and adventurers...and probably exotic-romance-hunter?(remember the classical movie~?)
the full name of this tiny or relatively rich country is 'the kingdom of morocco',which reflects its old-fashioned glory in this turbulent changing world.their political and millitary leader, crowned as 'kingship',is the longest leader in Arab world.
the nearest European neigher Spain showed its 'intimacy' in 1860.but French controled this gateway from 1912 to 1956 under the name of 'protectorate'.but it ended up after the unrest and strong nationalist sentiment.and sultan became the king in the following year.this amiable-looking man is definitely a legendary character. he offered a shelter for most Israeli expatriates.but also blamed by some human rights organization as 'severe depression in domestic'.
the conflict for some tiny islands between Spain also caused some deaths in 1975.larger battle and bustup fired in western Sahara. morocco forced to enter and occupy some conficted 1976, moroccan and Algeria troops clash in western Sahara.they exiled the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic government and divided up it.the two invaded countries mended their diplomatic relationship till 1988.but even the UN ceasefire announcement didn't bring real peace.some terrorists bombed bars in Casablanca and brought this small but restless country into public sight.

impression from the statistics and stories by correspondents---
*it's a little bit bigger than Tunisia,but more crowded(3 times more).
though its a monarchy country, the media freedom is impressive. private-run newspaper can unveiled the social reality can discuss some previous-taboo topics.

*a bbc correspondent said the royal family blocked the Googel earth. then their poor people won't see the luxious sumptuous palace from it.

*during the King Hassan period, thousands of dissent-holders disappeared. they were either prisoned or died in the secret interrogation center.humor and jokes are in poor and short supply.

* remember,it's just 15km away from Spain from the sea. so Morocco bacomes the unparalled shelter for those migrantes who tend to swim to Europe illegally:(

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ivory Coast

as those neighbouring countries,few was written before the Europeans came.compared to Ghana,it suffered little from the slave trade.though it's name sounds attractive now,in late 16th century,traders preferred better harbours elsewhere.and France took over it in 1834.they had an overriding goal---to stimulate the production of,cocoa and palm oil crops were soon planted along the coast. and Ivory coast soon became the largest settler(elsewhere,like in Central africa,british and french are beaucratics only,not 'immigrant') area for europeans in West africa.
the first president after independence(with no exception,in 1960) was the leader of a union of African farmers which specially protect the farmers in interior-region.the coffee industy developed a lot---it's the third-largest supplier in the world following Brazil and Colombia. Cocoa did the same,by 1979,it's the leading producer in the world.besides the scenes, French technicians who has masterminded the programe,which was often refered to 'ivory miracle'.in the rest of Africa,europeans are driven out.but in Ivory coast, they poured in .the french community grew from 10,000 to 50,000.for 20 years, it remained a rapid growth rate by 10%---the highest in African non-oil exporting countries.
though the economic blooming, there's no political freedom at all.the president holds iron-fist policy:only one-party,no dissent or opposition was toleranted and many millions of dollars was using to transform his village(!!)into the's the butt of jokes,but nobody could laugh out when they suffer global recession and local drought hit them in 1980s.and the overcutting price of sugar,the external debt went up threefold.the miracle was many leaders in west African countries, the dictator left office in coffin.
in 1995, a general election was held and the the ex-president's hand-pick successor won the imposing victory against the fragmented and dis-organised rival.and he followed ex's policy---once he won the election,he put hundreds of oppositioins in jail.the economy seemed least superficially,due to the inflation(which made people poorer) and attempts to reduce the external debt.
in late 1999, some generals uprose a coup and exile the president to France.the coup had the effect of reducing corruption and crime.the generals pressed for austerity and openly campaigned in the street for a less wasterful society.but the whole country still suffer from the unrest political situation and the cities are often rocked down by violence. muslims from the north also involved in a lot of fightings.
in 2002,a civil war splited the country into the muslim north and government south. the foreign troops patrolled in the buffer zone.UN stepped in,announced several bans on the cocoa export.

*today,the headline on Africa page on BBC is: Ivory coast leaders burn weapons to symbolize the end of five-year conflict.although it's said that the peace deal is still 2002,the rebellion started under the name of presendent's discrimination towards northern muslim.under the peace deal recently signed,the buffer zone patrolled by UN and French peacemakers between two forces has been dismantled.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


no one is quite sure what happened in this pencil-thin size country before Portuguese came in the late 15th's an ancient 'big apple'---various tribles from all sides immigrants to Togo.and ALL of them settled down in coast.and when the notorious slave trade began in earnest,some local tribes stared agents for europeans,travelling inland to buy slaves from the 1700s,the coast was occupied by Danes,but in 1884,it became German protectorate.German did put a lot of attention on this colony,they introduced scientific irrigation technich to the country's main export goods(cocoa,coffee and cotton) ,built universities and infrastures.
but the Togolese didn't appreciate German's tighter reins on their when the WWI broke out, British army came, they opened their arms---it's allies first victory in the war. but the Togo was splited by French and British.
in 1960,they gained independence as the French side declared.but in 1963,when the first president was assassinated,africa came across their first coup.(but coups came more and more frequently lately,say,average at least 2 a year since then,excluding many unsuccessful attempts.)
however,the reality in Togo is its tight dependence on the west. from 1960-1980s,Togo enjoyed a period of economic blooming due to its chemical resources.the president even wanted to build Togo into 'investment and tourist paradise'---without doubt, his plan is overly ambitious.when the recession droped down in the early 1980s, those emerging cities became ruins.since then, the government was plauged by numerous coup attempts. the president himself even shot 13 attackers(!).the whole nation suffered a lot and didn't change much.

* once there's an election, it will be hassled by fraud and considered as 'rigged'.
*LP ranked it as 'small,beachy but generally received rave reviews from travellers who was astonished by its unique village and vivacity of their markets and festivals'.


Ghana is often seen as the political and social reform model in Africa.

there's no significant written history of Ghana till Portuguese came in 15th century.Portuguese came for searching the gold,and they found in abundance adorning the Ashakin's palace.they built the forts in the coastal area and gradually it developed into 'gold coast'.they also got a handsome profit from the slave trade.Dutch,British and Danes also turned their ships to Ghana in the late 16th century. during the next 250 years,all four nations(pirates,actually)competed firecely to control the route.the average yearly number of 'taken' slaves is around 10,000.and by the late 19th century,when the slave trade is outlaw, every 6km remained a fort.after that,Ghana is not so delicious to them,but still, British signed a series of treaties with local tribes. but their greedy and jealous pushed them to sack the rich capital again and again!
though the anti-british emotion went higher and higher, the Gold Coast profit both sides. cocoa and gold is the biggest export. (till now, Ghana is still the second-largest cocoa exporter in the world).it became the most properous colony in Africa.
in the early 1920s,a number of parties emerged in order to regain the America-educated political leader did some remarkable work but British responsed him as putting him into prison.
independence came fianlly in 1957,making Ghana(they used the name of first great Empire in west africa) the first independent country in Africa. but it's also the beginning of 25 years of economic deline.president had some grandious projects,which buried Ghana by heavy debts.the coup droped down. and during 1966--1981,Ghana suffered 6 different but all heavy-corrupted governments.

it's said that the GDP in Ghana in 1957 could paralled with south korea. but what about now?(i can't wait Rende's story now!!!!)nearly all the young generation are extremely disappointed by the corrupted government and beaurucratic system.
where is the hope of Ghana?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Mali is a country old enough to have cave-paintings that date back to the time when sahara was a blossoming paradise.but the first known king there is the empire of Ghana(remember,they established their capital in south Mauritania!)but the rebellion finally broke out by Berbers from Morroco and Mauritania in 11th century, who strongly objected to the lukewarm manner of empire embracing islam.but ironically, in 13th century, a tribe took over the government and converted into islam.and of course, taken out the monopoly of gold trade.the trade largely shaped the civilization---people gathered in some settlement(that's what modern city originated),and universities, great mosques were set up.but in the late 16th century, with the Moroccans defeated the songhai(great dynasty), the ancient capital,which played an really important role in trading and religion practise was fading. without recovery from the invades, French came but only put their attention to the coastal region.this landlocked country was lost its shine and even abandoned completely.
in 1959(it's a crucial year for many westen African countries to gain its independence),Mali and Senegal has a short romance---they united and found Senegal Union. but one year later,they splited because of (which side??)...anyway, in 1960,Mali elected(?!)its own president and it became a one-party,socialist state and withdraw from the Africa Franc zone with pride.but still, they rely much of their economy on French.besides that, they r under great pressure of Soviet millitary.the government put tight belt on all economial perspects, which was discribes as 'disastrous'. and finally lead to the bloodless coup in 1968.
it's listed in the poorest country in the world. in 2004, severe locust plague has cut the cereal harvest by 45%.UN warn the food shortage.
suffer 23 years military dictatorship, few things 'it's not an ideal place to go safari at all'.

impression from the correspondents:
* the crushing poverty tarnishes this country day by day,still, people drew on their history and deep-root culture to help see them through. Mali was once the centre of the empire and civilization 8 centuries ago,when the whole Africa was in dark ages.
nowadays, due to the imposing poverty and hard life, thousands of people crowd to the street of the capital to be petty traders.the confusion was said as 'teeming,steaming and seething'.the authorities are unfeeling---they clean up the city occationally, ignoring all those poor people and treat them as 'insects'.....
*at the same time when G8 summit hold, a poor people summit was held in a village in's a real village---no electricity,no running water,no bed,only mats. more than 400 people attented: NGO,representatives from African countries,non-African delegators....'many African countries can't solve problems by their own. we do need help---responsible and kind help from G8.'....'Food and medical servise is important, but honesty and equality is more important to us.'

an interlude of my Africa Study...

today is pretty hot. i mean, weather is hot like always and my mood is unusually high:)
getting up quite fresh, i started my day with a delicious sandwish!
nothing special on work, but i finished two more countries on my Africa Study. and have a sweet talk with our Ukraine super-cute hitch-hiker.(i can balance the flattery and flirting pretty well now,haha)
the weather is hot, but i was sooo concentrating on my work(i mean, writing blog and africa study),so i didn't feel any anxious.
Anna wrote me email, saying that she will book the flight ticket to warsaw in Aug. 12th to visit me specially!!! oh my God! she did make my day!
struggling going to warsaw with yiyang,or krakow with Eugune,or go hiking in holy cross with monica,verona,Marian and,unfortunately,sneshka----yola called me out. at the last minute, the movie downloaded succesfully after a week long waiting!!
with a high mood, i went to the radio planet and had a live was terrible-organized somehow, but my performance was just EXCELLENT!!haha!!
i do think i've got a fabulous radio-voice and magical book on showing myself:)
and have strawberry pancake with our sweetest yola!!
sweet day!!

Monday, July 16, 2007


today Islamic Republic of Mauritania----u can hardly imagine that 10,000 years ago, there were large lakes, rivers and enough vegetation to support an abundance of elephants and hippos in Mautitania.but most of the animals died out when the dessert invaded. in 3rd Century, the Berbers and Arab tribes came, replacing the local tribes.How did they reach Mauritania through western Sahara? the significant event is the introduction of camels. so traders(they trade gold,food and of course, slaves)can finally go throughout the dessert. in 9th Century,the first Empire of western Africa emerged. known as the kingdom of Ghana,they established its capital in the westsouth of Mauritania. but after almost 100 years ruling, the Berbers defeated the Empire of Ghana.they also control the southern Spain at that time. Islam widely spreaded.
from 15th century, Africa suffered much abuse at the hands of Europeans who hunger for gold, spice and slaves.but due to its remote location and less-explore natural resources, Mauritania remained almost unscathed----there is no significant sign of de-population. French took over it,but they didn't pay much attetion of it. so they missed the rich oil deposit founded by the end of 1950s, and Mauritania gained its independence in 1960.the industrial process pushed this country to Maxist Union by left wings.(a turning point is a riot which led 9 miners died). in1984, after 24 years communism period, the new regime kick-start the economy and social system.
in 1976, Mauritania and Morroco divided the west Sahara.
in 1978, the first post-independence president was deposed in a millitary coup.
in 1989, race riots finally broke out between Senegal and Mauritania after a border dispute.thousands of black Mauritanian were driven out to Senegal.others became the target of attacks and land's definitely an ugly internal battle.women were raped...children were killed....Moors called it 'revenge'.the entire village was abandoned in the dessert without food or water.UN came and tried to rescue those 'lost black Mauritainans'. around 100,000people crossed the border to take a refuge in Senegal.but as the government had less tolerance and finally became xenophobic in public. the aid organizations packed their bags to leave.only islamic neighours assisted them to exile blacks.with Iraq as its closest alley, the government were full of extremists...they suffered great pressure internationally, and they deserved those condemnations.
remember the exiled first post-president? he died in Paris in the same year, another coup happened.what's worse, more than 750,000 people were facing food crisis after consecutive drought.the Iraqi war was that year too, which made things more complicated----it partly provoked the uprising and coup.numberous islamic extremists were arrested by the new regime.

politics notwithstanding, Mauritanian weak economy will be boomed (hopefully) by the increasing oil trades(invested by foreigners, of course).although nowadays, attackes on blacks are largely ceased, the discrimination is remain. they're still stuggling getting jobs, identity cards,loans, and almost impossibly---their land back.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


with half of the people live in poverty, the decent-dress,serious looking general stole 3 billion(!)from the state.
with an early civilization record(dates back to 800BC),its contact with western world began with the trade with the most ambitious adventure at 17th---Portuguese.what did they export? slaves!!! and, spice.during 16-18th centuries, millions of slave were forced to send to America.during 1861-1914,it's under British control. following the independence in 1960 was the several coup and bloody civil war.assassination, power transfer are the key words. president was arrested after proclaiming himself as 2002, 100 people were killed in the street violence between muslim and Catholic in Lagos, a harbour city in the southwest(where Samuel lives).more riots broke up within the country, which made the Miss World beauty pegeant shift to britain.though a boutiful of troubles in the south, the record oil price makes this oil-rich country(the biggest supplier in Africa!) became the first country paid partly off the debt by Paris Club.and UN took a hand in handling the controversial border with Cameroon.Nigerian's media scene is one of the most vibrant in Africa. people are well informed by radio, tv and newspapers......i guess paparazzi is also a delicious job there---remember they have a huge movie industry,which spread the message of violence and brutality.
(How can a movie without gun shots and bloody corpse??)


in 2006, president prayed for rain.
the year before, it languished in the last place on UN's human develop index!!
the history was tangled with slave trading and barren highlights.the president was gunned down by his bodyguard 'out of sheer accident'.and the discoverty of U(a nuclear chemical) attracted some quick-buck-makers but after an international ban to develop nuclear power, it suddently became an illusion. poor remains poor,and even poorer due to the inflation caused by foreign(Iraq?)investment.
it's such a hinderland that even the international donators were frustrated by the immediately-take-away-to-own-pocket corrupted officers.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


it's territory is the fifth-largest in Africa,but it's poplulation---9.1 million---is even less than the tiny Tunisia.early civilazation? can't read by western jounalist at least,probably by archeologists,
anthropologists,or it's rebel leaders and aborigined witch.

but actually, there were some experts in pottery in Chad 2,500 years before.the hunters, traders,and of course, notorious slave traders were the early 20th century, slaves who were raided by armed businessmen were sold at the same price as a horse,and one out of five would died of hunger, disease or cold on the route to destination.

in 1900, French defeated it and named it as one of the French Equatorial colony after 13 years.being the most neglected region among colonies,the French only paid attention to the furtile south. they build cotton farms. in 1960, Chad gained its independence by southerner Christian certainly displeased the northerners who treat the southerners as black slaves only.the southerner-base government banned the muslim-backed policital party,which triggered violent 1966,the revolt developed into ta fully-fledge war with the help of weapons from Libya.first domecratic movements, peace deals, Darfur refugees....though it dabbled into the global oil business in 2003 with the help of Cameroon and 80% income will go to education and public infrastature, the capital declared an emergency.what's worse, there is no sign of improvement.

in LP,it's said this land records 'the most painful memory of African---the harsh climate,geographic remoteness ,poor endowment and lack of infrastructure have combined together to a weak economy and political turmoil'. from march to may every year, the temperture can easily rise to 45c. it certainly has an appalling attraction to whom wants extreme travel experience.
'except police shoots people on the street,the capital would be quite attractive'...

May God bless this country!!


'politically unstable'---the conclusion by LP.
and the recent civil war in Darfur region is seen 'one of the worst nightmares in decades'. Autonomy? u have to beg from the dicator muslim government in the north.
nothing distinguish happened in the history till 1881,when French ruled Egypt. Sudanese revolted,and in 1956,got its independence. but it never stages as a unity.revolution,rebel,autonomy,peace deal...these words fill the history.
it seems that the confict in sudan is rather a religion one.thought oil was discovered in the south in 1987 and there are some agreements between goverments and Liberation party on the field of revenue and job opportunity,still,civil war seemed unadvoidable after the president imposed the islamic law on the whole sudan,including the non-muslim majority(anitimists and christians) in 1983.finally,it's peremptoriness provocated US. US launched missile attack,under the name of 'suspectly making chemical weapons'. Since then, UN became the backbone among peacemakers.a lot of sudanese went to America to study and work, mainly supported by the church. they are called 'lost sons of sudan'. a lot of them never went back home for more than ten years and some of them 'can't remember their parents looks'....the cease-fire agreement was reached in 2002 in Kenya officially,but still, sudanese suffer from endless regional conficts.the Darfur crisis killed more than 200,000. human rights watch reported as 'genocide'.
international donations help a lot for its recovery.but sudan rejected UN resolution calling and expelled its delegator in 2006.
the latest news is----Bush announced a new sanction against sudan. probably under the pressure of Christian majority publicy party.

Monday, July 9, 2007

glimpse of North African countries(2)

continued....i love to do things simply for the sake of curiosity!!!

it's the most westerly country in Africa---due to its pleasant beach resort which attracts tons of europeans and adventurers...and probably exotic-romance-hunter?(remember the classical movie~?)
the full name of this tiny or relatively rich country is 'the kingdom of morocco',which reflects its old-fashioned glory in this turbulent changing world.their political and millitary leader, crowned as 'kingship',is the longest leader in Arab world.
the nearest European neigher Spain showed its 'intimacy' in 1860.but French controled this gateway from 1912 to 1956 under the name of 'protectorate'.but it ended up after the unrest and strong nationalist sentiment.and sultan became the king in the following year.this amiable-looking man is definitely a legendary character. he offered a shelter for most Israeli expatriates.but also blamed by some human rights organization as 'severe depression in domestic'.
the conflict for some tiny islands between Spain also caused some deaths in 1975.larger battle and bustup fired in western Sahara. morocco forced to enter and occupy some conficted 1976, moroccan and Algeria troops clash in western Sahara.they exiled the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic government and divided up it.the two invaded countries mended their diplomatic relationship till 1988.but even the UN ceasefire announcement didn't bring real peace.some terrorists bombed bars in Casablanca and brought this small but restless country into public sight.

impression from the statistics and stories by correspondents---
*it's a little bit bigger than Tunisia,but more crowded(3 times more).
though its a monarchy country, the media freedom is impressive. private-run newspaper can unveiled the social reality can discuss some previous-taboo topics.

*a bbc correspondent said the royal family blocked the Googel earth. then their poor people won't see the luxious sumptuous palace from it.

*during the King Hassan period, thousands of dissent-holders disappeared. they were either prisoned or died in the secret interrogation center.humor and jokes are in poor and short supply.

* remember,it's just 15km away from Spain from the sea. so Morocco bacomes the unparalled shelter for those migrantes who tend to swim to Europe illegally:(


Arab Republic of Egypt---what jump into ur mind? wondrous pyramids and splendid,mysterious ancient's unadvoidable in any world history book, but i know nothing about its present:(
important---that's the most frequently appearing word when read through the country profile.
on the term of economy,it's the second largest economy substance closed followed by Saudie Arab in this region.
on the term of politic, it plays a key role in efforts to solve thhe confict in middle east.'its prestige as a broker is said to have suffered after its indecisive response to the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon'

it's history can date back to 7,000BC,when settlement of Nile Valley begins.
prosperity---this word tagged this magical kingdom since then.the great pyramids were constructed in around 2,'s a formidable engineering achievment? it's a magic!!!
persian came, the Alexandria came, the mecedonian dynasty ruled till 31 BC,lasting nearly 3 centuries. in 642 AD, (right after the prophet ,i guess),the Arab came and conqued.Cario became its capital since 969.the Arabic culture shaped the whole region. Napolen tried to invade but rebeled by Turkish and British in 1800. and since 1842, Egypt became British's protectorate.
some movement by religious organization and nationalist were written in its way to independence,and eventually, in 1953, a leader declared its freedom. but,the following war between
Britain and 6-day(!!) war to Islael haunted its subjects in nightmare.they(Jordan, Egypt and Syria) were defeated.there were 2 things remarkable in is the introduction of the new institution system,which renamed the country's name.
the other is the great dam, which had a huge impact on the irrigation and industry domestically,and,what's more important, it's internatioal impact----- directly resulted in the building of world heritage list.
in 1979,a treaty between Egypt and Islea is signed.but soon was condemned by other Arab 1981,their president was assassinated and the Islamic extremist drew more attention by bomb.the holy Sinai mountain was no longer a peaceful and sacred place:( 34 Israeli tourists were targeted and killed in 2004.the biggests chanllenger of the present government is Muslim brotherhood,which was founded in's tolerated by the government but abolished all the rights to run the presidential 'election'.(the president won the resounding victory for 5 times already)
and it's one of the at least 6 Arabic countries who develop domestic nuclear programmes:(

impression from the correspondent:
* yes, indeed,this historically country now pack with the poors and unrest society.more than 18 million people crowd in the capital and the unemployment rate among men rises to 23% while only 47% women get job.
where is Egypt's future?
'politically unstable'---the conclusion by LP.
and the recent civil war in Darfur region is seen 'one of the worst nightmares in decades'. Autonomy? u have to beg from the dicator muslim government in the north.
nothing distinguish happened in the history till 1881,when French ruled Egypt. Sudanese revolted,and in 1956,got its independence. but it never stages as a unity.


our new Tunisian girl did sparkle my desire to know more about this mysterious and magical continent.BBC is always my best weapon to fire the innocence.i hope can digest well.
it's always fun to satisfy my curiosity,and what's more, feel responsibled for the peace of the world!!!

at the tip-point of African, rich culture and natural resouses,a definitely melting-pot of civilization.
due to the geographical advantage, it plays an important role for trading for centuries. now,it's also a hotpot for Europeans who hunt for a fair-price, suntan-all-day and easily-access holiday.
Islam came in 600s.French came in 1800s.and it got its independence eventually in most of the Arabic-demoratic countries, the so-called democracy is just a masquerade. the censor of media and internet is omnipresent and corruption,human rights are tatoo.
still, it boasts to be the most liberal islamic country in the world. the break-point is its abolition of polymacy.from the official statistic,women play an important role in all aspects of society. it's a level playing field for both men and women. interestingly,in 2006, there was a movement tending to take away the headscarf.
the public education is remarkablely sucessful.all children are in free education under compulsory.
the shadow-dictator government eagerly wants to attract more foriegn investment from all around the world---u can tell from their website, having 7 language version,including simplified chinese.

maria showed me pics last night. her campus,her hippie boyfriend,her family and @ers there. the dusty street, ugly match-box like houses,desserts,gloomy sea,muslim food.....feel like india.
still, they have rich night life. this 25-year old college girl loves loud and lousy music. her boyfriend asserted not marry her simply because she slept with another boy once---who knows how many girls he had slept...
she smokes and drinks sometimes. her brother is in france now.she's fat and a little bit lazy. but seems that she doesn't care ther plump figure.
her english is so-so. but she's talkative and sweet:)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

IPN---i just wanna vomit!

frankly speaking, i'm an open-minded person.
the morality i hold is based on my physical reaction. sounds bizarre? haha

today, while searching the news related to poland on bbc,a link jumped into my sight---IPN.

The Institute of National Remembrance - Commission of the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation (IPN)

remember the conversation i had with ania and asia last Friday in warsaw? they talked about the stupid politicians and irresponsibled government.what astonished me is not only the corrupted reality,the stupid speech they quoted,but also such an institute does exist in poland!!
'obviously,they want to go back to the 'bright and moral' medieval!'
'when u read the newspaper everyday,u will 120% find that the headline is some investigation on crimes during communism period release and some big potatoes have to stand out and accept public judges.and our 'great' twin-brother-parents gave some stupid speech about their opinion of the immoral society.nothing about our bankrupted social medical system and our poor budget in education.they simply sparkle my desire to burn the newspaper and slash the stupid politicians instead of affection to my own country. '

IPN,that's the polish FBI they're talking about.
see one of their mission:

patriotic traditions of fighting against occupants, Nazism and Communism;

Jesus! i want to vomit out all this disgusting words!
why not focusing on the future?
why not discussing the economics and EU market?
why not educating ur children the great history of human-being instead of filling all these gloomy 'facts' and crimes during special period?

could u please exact half of the money from this stupid institute to the nurses who just earn 800 per month??

browsing the website, all my curiosity fade away. luckily, i can close the window, take a deep breathe and ....vomit!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

lost...where r u?
there are 10 return mails stuff in my mailbox by the system. all lable as'unknown address..permanetly failed to deliver'
i stared at the screen, sigh.

where are you, my smiling gentleman?
the world is flat due to the wide spread internet, but what happen if one letter is mistaken?

that elegantly shining afternoon passed away...i just can grasp some pieces of memory...

the world is flat.
but where r u?

Monday, July 2, 2007


slight sounds disturb my gentle dreams...they came back from party.
lights turn on. i wake up and anonymous fear surround me....i know the insomnia is coming.
what can a heavy head combining an empty stomach do?
20 mins pass,i decide to have a fresh apple.
and then, switch on laptop,log on,begin my routine news-addicted journey.

last night, when i was reading Times in empik, a phrase strike me---in some sense---wake me up.
it's a Q&A session on a journalist who lost his correspondent husband while they release a series of reports in Pakistan. she answers some selected questions from readers all around the world in a way of objective journalist;a sorrowful wife;a strong mother and, a movie critics.
she's stubborn in her carrer, grow even more strong after her husband's miserable death.
apparantly, she's a victim, but her 'revenge' is to be more justice and more pitful towards others tragedy.
the phrase stun me is, which i thought a lot, but now almost forget----LIFE MISSION.
what's ur life mission,Ann?
i do want to be a serious woman, who is useful to others and royal to God.
i don't have a heart as mighty as she is. i don't have a will as strong as she is.
i don't have a 'mission' as clear as she is. i don't have a smile as beautiful as she is.
sometimes, feel like my gloomy and sinster soul occupy my whole body.
i'm not living a life leads towards truth.but neither, i don't want to stay away from it.

what's ur life mission, Ann?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

news-addicted became my home website since the 3rd week here.feel like meeting a reliable but always fresh friend every morning.and my mailbox is stuffed by tons of newsletters from worldbank,Reuters and businessweek.somehow, i'm proud of my news-addicted:)

i closed myself to the outside world since i went to beijing in high the retrospect, i was stunned by the simplicity of my can it be sooo boring and mediocore...but i did enjoy at that moment.

i found that the key-word of worldbank news is---africa & donation. billions of US dollars flow there easily---they're just figures. those big potatoes in the board or in the shadow just move their fingers, add or delete a zero as they like.well, of course,'under the serious consideration',they will hold several expensive conference in Geneva or Kenya:crouching inside the air-conditioned 5 star hotels, have luxious banquet everyday...when the lecturer show miserable photos of starving African refugees, a sense of sympathy and self-rightous will rise with the aroma of red wine for sure.
oops..disgusting pictures in my mind...

how can i have such a dim mind!!!(Ann always believes that u can't have sparkling eyes with shady mind... )
although, probably 20% of those 'beneficent bankers' have ugly corruption face; 10% of them are low-efficient and bureaucratic; still ,we've got some mighty hearts who involve their whole life to the poor and expatriates....Ann, do u remember ur dreams....

back to point---through the constantly news-reading, my horizon did expand a lot. at least, can name those remote countries:)
bird and i keep chatting records everyday. (ambiguous?i mean, we chat everyday:))
i love to talk with intellects. always get great lessons and inspiration. he's the one.
as usual, i talked about my mental all aspects,love,family,future,study,career...he diagnosed it without thinking---'u always hunt for freshness.'
i was shocked. yes! that is the key word of the source of my happiness and, ironically,also the spring of my confusions towards life.
i am strongly addicted to fresh things---friends...hobbies....romance....
it's definitely a vital weakness and endless dark-hole.
yes! keeping the passion to taste freshness is a good thing, which can arose ur curiosity towards diverse things and get a bigger picture of ur life...but, depending ur happiness on it overtunes its benefits.does it make sense?

archpei asked me what's the top 5 important thing in my life. a naughty grin crawl on my face~i was the one asking such nose-poking it's my turn...eventually...but, i don't have any answers on the tip of my mouth...
reading?travelling?or delicious food?great conversations?family?
......apparantly, i don't have a whole concept of my life......
the latest list of world heritage just released.
he organisation also agreed to change the official name of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland.

It will now be referred to as Auschwitz-Birkenau, German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945).

damn war!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007


The first english quotation i've recited is:
Good beginning is half done.
I was 10 years old at that time,still struggling with the spelling of 'Apple'.

but truth will never fade away.
everything will go magically smoothly with a cheer-up beginning.
so i'd better start writing diaries now----while the excitement of travelling and the sweetness of holiday romance is still spreading:)

i will record my life here honestly.
i've got tired of decorating myself(though u can easily earn social credits by fancy stories),but just simply over-comment anything.
if it's nice, i would like to say, it's NICE, instead of GORGEOUS.

but it won't be boring. nothing won't be a problem for me, except the mediocre life.
it's a curse to my young, intelligent and passionate mind.(to be confident is a beautiful thing,haha)

Sinfonia---a spanish word, means the starting tone of a symphony.
my life is and always will be a classical symphony fusing with rock&roll howl.
and plus, since none of my acquaintance will be given the link. it's definitely a safe field for me to reveal my true feelings----that's what secret garden for, isn't it?